Google’s New Web Vital Metric INP Explained

In the rapidly evolving world of web development, site speed has become a critical factor in both user experience and SEO. “Google’s New Web Vital Metric INP Explained” delves into these nuances, guided by the expertise of Gael Breton and special guest Brian Jackson, creator of the Perfmatters plugin. The discussion highlights the significance of Google’s fresh metric, INP, and its implications for web performance.

Throughout the article, you will explore an array of site speed improvement strategies, from optimal CDN setups and caching plugins to the intricacies of delaying or deferring JavaScript. Brian Jackson will review Authority Hacker’s site setup, providing valuable insights and recommendations. Sponsored by Ahrefs, this episode promises to be an enlightening resource for anyone keen to optimize their website’s speed and performance.

Googles New Web Vital Metric INP Explained

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Understanding Google’s Web Vitals

Importance of Web Performance

In today’s digital landscape, web performance is paramount. Whether your goal is user engagement, SEO rankings, or conversion rates, a fast and efficient website is critical. A slow website can deter visitors, increase bounce rates, and ultimately impact your bottom line. Google’s Web Vitals are a set of metrics developed to provide guidance on quality signals essential for delivering a great user experience on the web.

Introduction to Core Web Vitals

Google’s Core Web Vitals are a subset of performance metrics introduced to quantify key aspects of the user experience. These metrics focus on aspects such as loading, interactivity, and visual stability. They are essential for webmasters and developers aiming to refine their websites for enhanced performance and user satisfaction.

Previous Metrics: LCP, FID, CLS

Before delving into the newer metrics, it’s essential to understand the existing ones. The Core Web Vitals include:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance. Google recommends an LCP of 2.5 seconds or faster.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Quantifies interactivity. A good FID is 100 milliseconds or less.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Assesses visual stability, ensuring that pages do not shift as they load. This metric should be less than 0.1.

These metrics have driven significant improvements in web performance but are now being complemented by additional measures to provide a more comprehensive overview.

Introduction to INP

What is INP?

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a newly introduced metric in the landscape of Web Vitals. It aims to measure the responsiveness of a web page over its entire lifecycle rather than during one-off user interactions. INP captures the longest delay between user interaction and the browser’s next frame, thereby reflecting a user’s worst-case interaction.

Why INP Matters

INP is critical because it provides a more holistic view of a website’s interactivity. While FID measures the delay only for the first interaction, INP considers all interactions, making it a more robust measure of overall user experience. This is particularly pertinent for dynamic websites where interactivity plays a pivotal role.

Key Differences with Existing Metrics

The key difference between INP and metrics like FID lies in its comprehensive approach. FID focuses on the first user interaction, often missing subsequent issues that users might face. INP, however, considers the worst interaction delay, providing a more accurate picture of a website’s responsiveness throughout a user’s session.

How INP is Measured

Evaluation Criteria

INP evaluation involves measuring the time from the start of user input to the next paint, which indicates the browser’s readiness to update the interface. This includes capturing and analyzing all interaction events over the page’s lifecycle, offering a worst-case delay scenario.

Tools for Measuring INP

Several tools can help measure INP efficiently:

  • Google Lighthouse: This tool helps in evaluating INP among other performance metrics.
  • Web Vitals Extension: A browser extension that showcases INP along with other Web Vitals.
  • Performance Observer API: For developers needing granular control, this API captures interaction data for INP calculation.

Example Scenarios

A common scenario for evaluating INP might involve a dynamic web application where users frequently interact with the page elements. Say, a user clicks a button that triggers a JavaScript function. The INP will measure the time until the next frame is painted, capturing any delays caused by JavaScript execution.

Impact of Plugins on INP

Heavy Plugins vs. Lightweight Plugins

Heavy plugins can substantially degrade INP by increasing the interaction delay due to additional JavaScript execution time and resource loading. Conversely, lightweight plugins often have optimized code bases that minimize their impact on INP, thereby maintaining better user interaction speeds.

Plugin Management Best Practices

To manage plugins effectively:

  • Regularly audit and remove unnecessary plugins.
  • Choose plugins known for their performance optimizations.
  • Keep all plugins up to date to benefit from performance improvements and security patches.

Insights from Brian Jackson

Brian Jackson, a well-regarded expert in site speed optimization, emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity. He advocates for using fewer, well-optimized plugins to maintain a fast and responsive website. According to him, focusing on lightweight, purpose-built plugins significantly helps in maintaining optimal INP scores.

Googles New Web Vital Metric INP Explained

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Optimizing INP with CDN

Choosing the Right CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can drastically decrease latency and improve INP by distributing the load across multiple, geographically diverse servers. When choosing a CDN, consider factors like reliability, speed, and additional features like image optimization and automated caching.

BunnyCDN vs. Cloudflare

BunnyCDN and Cloudflare are two highly recommended options:

  • BunnyCDN: Known for its affordability and performance, offering straightforward features that aid in improving INP.
  • Cloudflare: Offers more comprehensive services including security and performance optimizations. Its Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) feature can significantly enhance INP by caching dynamic content effectively.

Real-world Case Studies

Numerous case studies demonstrate how using a CDN like BunnyCDN or Cloudflare can enhance INP. For instance, switching to Cloudflare APO reduced interaction delays on a high-traffic website by over 30%, leading to better user engagement and lower bounce rates.

Caching Strategies for Better INP

Types of Caching Plugins

Caching plugins can bolster site performance by storing frequently accessed data to reduce load times. Popular options include:

  • WP Rocket: Offers extensive features for caching and minification.
  • WP Fastest Cache: A user-friendly plugin focused on caching with minimal configuration.
  • Flying Press: Known for its aggressive caching strategies and easy setup.

Best Practices for Caching

Implementing best caching practices involves:

  • Enabling page and object caching.
  • Using a CDN’s caching features.
  • Configuring browser caching for static resources.
  • Regularly clearing and rebuilding caches to reflect content changes.

Avoidable Caching Pitfalls

Common pitfalls to avoid include:

  • Over-reliance on caching without optimizing the underlying code.
  • Conflicting plugins that cause cache misses or ineffective caching.
  • Neglecting to clear caches after updates, leading to stale content being served.

Googles New Web Vital Metric INP Explained

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JavaScript Management

Delaying vs. Deferring JavaScript

Proper JavaScript management can significantly impact INP:

  • Delaying JavaScript: Postpones script execution until after the page is fully loaded, reducing initial load time but potentially delaying functionality.
  • Deferring JavaScript: Ensures scripts are executed in order after the HTML is parsed, balancing performance and functionality.

Common Issues and Fixes

Issues can arise from improperly managed JavaScript:

  • Blocking scripts: Can delay page rendering leading to poor INP scores. Use async or defer attributes.
  • Large scripts: Break them down into smaller, manageable pieces or load them conditionally.

Expert Tips from Brian Jackson

Brian Jackson advises prioritizing critical scripts and deferring non-essential ones. Additionally, he cautions against indiscriminately using defer and delay without considering the individual impact on functionality, recommending thorough testing in different conditions.

Theme and Page Builder Considerations

GeneratePress & GenerateBlocks

GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks are popular for their lightweight and performance-first philosophy. These tools adhere closely to WordPress core functionalities, minimizing additional resource usage and improving INP.

Alternatives Like BricksBuilder

BricksBuilder offers another performant option with its focus on speed and efficiency. Its visual editor and clean code output make it a viable alternative to more resource-intensive builders like Elementor.

Balancing Aesthetic and Performance

While aesthetic considerations are important, they should not compromise performance. Prioritize themes and page builders that strike a balance, ensuring that visual appeal does not come at the expense of INP.

Googles New Web Vital Metric INP Explained

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Image Optimization Techniques

Importance of Image Optimization

Images play a significant role in page load times. Optimizing images can reduce file sizes, improve loading times, and enhance overall performance metrics including INP.

Effective Use of ShortPixel, Optimole, and Others

Tools like ShortPixel, Optimole, and Imagify offer robust image optimization capabilities:

  • ShortPixel: Efficiently compresses and converts images to WebP format.
  • Optimole: Provides adaptive image serving based on user device and network conditions.
  • Imagify: Simplifies image compression with various modes to balance quality and performance.

Strategies for WebP Conversion

Converting images to the WebP format is crucial for reducing file sizes without compromising quality. This format is supported by most modern browsers. Use tools that automatically convert and serve images in WebP where supported.


Recap of Key Points

In summary, understanding and optimizing for Google’s Web Vitals is essential for delivering an outstanding user experience. Metrics such as LCP, FID, and CLS have paved the way, but the introduction of INP brings a more comprehensive measure of interactivity.

Future of Web Performance Metrics

Web performance metrics will continue to evolve, reflecting emerging web technologies and user expectations. Staying updated with these changes is crucial for maintaining and improving site performance.

Final Thoughts from Brian Jackson

Brian Jackson underscores the need for continuous monitoring and optimization. While tools and plugins provide substantial help, a strategic approach focused on user experience is paramount. By implementing best practices and staying informed about new metrics like INP, webmasters can ensure their sites remain fast and responsive, keeping users satisfied and engaged.